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Practice Areas

Family law is one of the most complex and (many say) messy areas of law, despite being the most common area of law that we need to lean on multiple times in life! It is messy because, sadly, people are be messy; This is the law of people, their relationships and their possessions.


Scroll below to learn about Jo-Anna F.S. Moy Family Law Specialists and:

  • Legal Separation and Divorce

  • Property Division and Settlement

  • Children and Parenting Arrangements

  • Estate Planning and Wills.

Legal Separation and Divorce


Sensibly, when a relationship has run its course, couples work with a solicitor to formalise the division of assets and negotiate (or mediate) the legal separation. This represents the end of the relationship. We all need help when there is disagreement about who deserves what after the relationship dissolves - even more so when children, pets and money are involved.


For couples who were legally married, separation also includes the process of applying for divorce after a minimum of 12-months of separation. Remember, a divorce does not represent resolution of any property matters stemming from the relationship's end.


What do you need?

  • Do you need advice about managing your separation (and divorce) smoothly, keeping both parties accountable?

  • Do you want counsel about your entitlements and help negotiating a fair and appropriate settlement?

  • Do you have questions about spousal maintenance, child support and other financial obligations stemming from your separation?

  • Do you suspect the other party is obscuring the true assets of the relationship and depriving you of full and frank disclosure to achieve an agreement?

  • Have you signed guarantor or loan documentation and received a debtor's demand for a borrowing of the other party?

  • Are you attending mediation to resolve property and want help preparing necessary consent Orders? Or do you want someone to attend with you?

  • Are you having difficulty assessing the financial and property assets in the relationship?

  • Are you trying to navigate the separation in a way that keeps the emotions separate from your ongoing parenting obligations, the property and legal matters?

  • Are you trying to navigate your separation and divorce, while also finding it hard to agree on custody of children or pets, or on the division of assets? Is it feeling too much?

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